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2018 pitches lol
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ultimax game

ULTIMAX GAME Stages/Levels are known as MILESTONES --------------MILESTONE 0-------------- Objective: TO FUCKING DIE. NO MATTER WHAT YOU DO. YOU WILL DIE. -shortest game ever. entire game is like a post-credits scene. -SIRACHAMON is terrorizing city. POV of ULTI as CLAYTAN is telling him the plan. -CLAYTAN will form into a giant slingshot, QUART will create the rubber band and ULTI will create a bubble net to make sure he suffocates(or whatever plan. it dont matter, theyre gonna die as soon as they come close -glamour shots of the three. Instructions on bottom screen as you to hold down X or whatever to get ready to generate the net. -as soon as you get close a huge SAUS BLAST kills your comrades, you get knocked into a building but your net/sheild protects you. it designagrates as you close your eyes. ULTIMAX THE GAME title screen appears. Inspirations: The Walking Dead(the one with Daryl) --------------MILESTONE 1-------------- Objective: Move poly

trump run

TRUMP RUN - GAME Welcome screen -Cartoon of Trump running to the white house, angry hillary in bg -Trump saying in a speech bubble: Grab the game by the start button -once you grab it, trump's voice says "my button is much bigger than yours" Choose your path! -Two options: left or right -TRICK QUESTION: IF THEY CHOOSE LEFT, they automatically LOSE --sound clip: Trump saying "WRONG." --caption: That's what you get, lefty! Initial Stage: A SMALL LOAN -Level takes place at slanted right path NAVIGATION: --For PC: WASD to navigateb yhats go away, make it rain! -Earn Maga hats once you earn x number of "kills" -Maga hats will make them incapacitated and autistically screech -If pussyhats touch you before being turned, your health decreases -Need at least 5 shots to convert -Epilogue: Hilary says "You bunch of deplorables! Fine, I'll do it myself!" BOSS Stage: -Prologue: Trump tries to throw money at her.


  Summary (max 200 words): Ordinary adventures of some friends who just happen to look like fruits. Can use puppet animation SNAPTOONS Pitch: Synopsis Ordinary adventures of some friends who just happen to look like fruits. Character Designs (min 3) Aaron Strawheart Spud Old Beet Banana Jim Leify Carrot Cecelia Celery

Forest Friends Forever

  Summary (max 200 words): Young drake is moved from his home to the woods, father is a park ranger. He is bored until a magical fairy girl takes him to a whole new world. About nature and enviormentally aware bs and its sorta like a drug induced dream. SNAPTOONS Pitch: Synopsis Character Designs (min 3) Drake young boy who gets moved away from home and lives in the woods. Meets a forest fairy girl who chants aspecial incantation and gets transported to the land of the forest creatures a la corpse bride style. Liana freaky forest fairy girl. Shows drake around and learns from each other. Oaky Doaky like doakes a big black man who is liana’s father-like figure who is very wary of drake. Sort of like a doakesXdexter relationship. Starch girl or guy who can make apples come out of her hair. Maybe like jon fratelli Mimosa(shy girl) shy girl who hardly speaks Father Park ranger park ranger who works there and loves adventure. Does not believe drake though. Believes in REAL advent